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Community media is best defined as a distinctive approach to media that seeks to put participatory principles into practice. Principles that support and promote inclusivity and diversity, and which focus on grass-roots and bottom-up media engagement within a media ecology that is defined by the interests and concerns of the people who are involved in the media practices themselves. Community media addresses issues of access to platforms, tools and methods of distribution, civic empowerment, self-representation and cultural democracy, while also embedding an ethos of accountability and mutuality between communities of interests and communities of practice.
Co-Creating Change is a network and programme which explores the role which artists, cultural organisations and communities can play to co-create change together around the UK and beyond.
Artist Practitioners are agents of imagination, creativity and change
Artist Practitioners are risk takers and survivors.
Artist Practitioners do not prioritise economics.
Culture is the joining of stories. Everyone has a story. Everyone has culture.
We need a new model for Arts Funding.
Bureaucratic institutions are incapable of systemic innovation.
Bureaucratic Institutions are inefficient.
Bureaucratic Institutions cannot support or empower communities.
We seek to change the situation where up to 90% of Art Project budgets are spent on bureaucratic costs.
The Association of Collaborative Design (ACD) responds to a growing number of built environment collaborative and participatory design practitioners and community groups who felt the need to come together to have a stronger voice in advocating for empowering people to have agency.
Exploring openness, ownership and origination in participatory art, creative collaboration and community publishing.
Of Source is a community facing social practice research project, led by artist Morvern Odling. Beginning in 2020, Of Source is gathering knowledge about the creative third sector through interviews, workshops and practical research.
Of Source is rooted in Open Source ideologies, beginning with conversations around alternative licencing and the opportunities which these methodologies create. Of Source sees open publishing as a step towards social justice, one which can have a profound impact on the participatory arts.
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